Friday, August 25, 2017

Saga of the Zombie Horde.

I am a big fan of Richard Woolcocks Saga of the Goblin Horde. Seriously if you haven't checked it out yet you need to.
I was thinking about the Meat Sheild setting rule he has in the setting.  It allows you to use one of your adjacent goblin henchmen to take a wound for you by spending a bennie.  It got me thinking what other settings it could be used for.

I ended up thinking how fun it would be to play a zombie Lord with your pack of zombies and terrorize a town of humans.

Here is what I came up with, after a day of musing and pondering.

Hella the Queen of the Underworld has decided it is time to conquer the world of the living. She has unleashed her army of ghosts and undead upon the living. She has given life to certain corpses to be the leaders of her army.  The players are these leaders.

Each player has a small squad of zombies to lead and destroy humanity.

Create characters following standard human character creation. Then give them the Harrowed edge (from the stone and a hard place players guide), ignoring the grit rating, and advance them to seasoned.  Instead of fighting an evil spirit for dominion over your character you are fighting the soul of your previous life. The players will struggle with being loyal to Hella or slowly becoming a good person wanting to save humanity.

Each player starts with 5 stock zombies, from the horror companion.

Setting rules are.
Blood and guts
Meat sheild (from saga of the goblin horde)
Raise the Dead.
- a player can spend a bennie to raise a corpse as a zombie minion, to a maximum of five.  The game begins with each player having five zombies.  The GM can also determine at the end of a story arc, or a logical time that the number of minions can be refreshed.

Well that's all for now. Thanks for reading my thoughts on a mini setting.  I would love to hear any ideas or thoughts you have about this.

Stone and a Hard place players guide

Saga of the Goblin Horde players guide

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