Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Some Anibus revisions

After I posted the .doc file for Anibus. I rethought some things and Manuel Sambs, from the G+ Savage Worlds community, was very helpful in some advice and critiques.

I rethought having all player characters start with an arcane back ground. Instead they start with a new edge called Awakened.  This allows characters to be aware of the Greater reality of Anibus, and have a reduce effect of Detect arcana. Plus the ability to Travel.  Arcane Backgrounds now must be taken as normal.

I figured not everyone may want to be a magic user, but they still need to be part of the society and culture that is aware of the Ethereal Sea.

I also added the AB alchemy as an option. Mostly because I keep kicking the idea around as a plot hook of the players being hired to gather certain items so an NPC can make a potion of some sort.

I removed some redundant comments of difficulty in Travelling Dramatic tasks.

I add some greater variety in the Void wraiths. They can now manifest as any demon from the horror companion.  Plus I unrestricted Holy Warrior, and champion edges. So now you can play a Void Wraith hunter.  I also put in the Dark Gods from the horror companion, as the leaders of the Void Wraiths. To give the void a nice Mythos feel.

I also changed the Kolob empire's leader from the Prophet to a God-King.  This way to eliminate any view of me singling out a particular religion. Plus God King has a more fantasy feel to it, and makes the Kolob Empire a bit more fanaticism.

All right so there you go.  Thanks for all your support.

Here is a link to the updated document.


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